Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Look! Up in the Sky! It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's... a Methodist!

From the Too Much Free Time Department comes an exhaustive list of comic book characters and their religious affiliations.

For extra fun, check out the catalog's visual reference. The most pathetic supergroup has to be the Legion of Lutheran Superheroes, which consists of Mastodon and, um, Jimmy Olsen.


Cunningham said...

Kira, honey - how DO you find this stuff?

Kira Snyder said...

Sometimes it's other blogs, Zen of Design in this case, who found it on Metafilter.

But otherwise it's the usual. Paid informants, midnight dead drops, swallowed microfiche.

Fun Joel said...

Hilarious. Thanks!

Cunningham said...

Must make border crossings really rough...